We Could Use a Little Help!
We Could Use a Little Help!

General Volunteering:
We are searching for volunteers for everything from coordinating a simple event or project to filling board positions. Attend a membership meeting and see what we do and how you can become involved. Can't make it to a meeting? Email us at cidsofamilies@gmail.com
Specific Volunteer Opportunities:
WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY LIBRARY DISPLAYS: CIDSO would like to have displays on Down syndrome at both the Normal and Bloomington Public Libraries for the month of March, particularly on World Down Syndrome Day – March 21. The volunteer(s) would contact and work with appropriate staff from both libraries to establish the timing/space and items (both internal and external to the libraries) to be displayed. (A variety of books on Down syndrome that the library already has on hand might be the most reasonable display this year since March is quickly approaching). The libraries may want the volunteers to actually set up the display and take it down at the end of the time period. . Establishing a relationship with both libraries so that the displays can be an annual event would be another goal. Contact cidsofamilies@gmail.com to volunteer for this effort. Hours spent can apply to a member’s “active” status designation.
COMMUNITY POSTER INITIATIVE :Periodically throughout the year (Spring, Summer, Fall), CIDSO would like to display a series of weather-proofed poster boards on wire stakes in the ground at parks, etc. telling the story of Down syndrome. The content would be appropriate for people of all ages and spanning the life of people with Down syndrome. The volunteer(s) would work with the Normal Public Library because they are already putting out such displays on other topics. Responsibilities include:
- Contacting the Normal Public Library.
- Establishing the content of the slides, (receiving permission to use the content if from copyrighted sources).
- Getting the posters made
- Working with both the City of Bloomington and the Town of Normal for permission to display the posters in City/Town parks,
- Setting up and tearing down the displays
All would count toward “active” CIDSO membership hours. Contact cidsofamilies@gmail.com to express your interest in this effort.