CIDSO Resource Library

CIDSO Resource Library
CIDSO has partnered with the Bloomington Public Library to host a resource library.
Library Contents
CIDSO is pleased to report that the Bloomington Public Library is housing 158 different reference documents/sources on topics related to Down syndrome--fiction and non-fiction. Depending on the medium chosen and the age range of the recipient, the sources are housed on the second floor of the Library in the "Adult Services" section (so more adult-oriented information) and in the "Children's" section (second floor). DVD's, etc. are located just in front of the Children's Section--also on the second floor. Feel free to check in with the front desk at the Library (on the Main Floor) for more information on locations of reference material you are seeking.
While the Library is primarily closed to membership outside of Bloomington and Bloomington townships, they honor a Library Card from your home library. All you need do is present that card when wanting to check out a Bloomington Public Library book, DVD, etc.
Parking is right in front of the building and you can arrange ahead to check out books, DVD's, etc. and they will bring them to your car if you wish. The Library is located at 205 East Olive Street, Bloomington and the phone number is 309-828-6091.
CIDSO is pleased to partner with the Bloomington Public Library in bringing current and eclectic information on Down syndrome to our membership.